Workshops > metaRbolomics hackathon+Registration to the conference is mandatory to attend the workshops. metaRbolomics hackathon plus (January 21st 2020, 1pm-3:45pm.)Purpose of the workshop:The idea of this hackathon is to have a quiet space where active developers and advanced users can work on integrating their packages in R, adding new data to wikidata or wikipathways, mapping identifiers with BridgeDb, tailor-making MetFrag databases to answer identification questions. The hackathon will start with Jo Rainer presenting the new R packages at https://RforMassSpectrometry.org and then we will just hack away! With the new packages it will be relatively easy to implement custom "backends" to load e.g. MGF files into R, or provide access to custom, lab specific spectral libraries – lots of community contributions are possible! Intended audience and prerequisites:- Public: Computational metabolomics pros – active developers or advanced users - Prerequisites: Problems to solve, questions to ask, data to integrate in open tools, ideas to discuss with active developers, desire to hack and not just talk – organisers will be happiest hidden behind laptop screens solving problems. BYO laptop(s). Skills acquired at the end of the workshop:Ability to integrate your R code into metaRbolomics collection, ability to add new data to wikidata/wikipathways, custom design your own high throughput non-target screening with MetFrag, map your identifiers with BridgeDb etc et Organisers:Johannes Rainer, Emma Schymanski, Egon Willighagen, Denise Slenter Registration:
References:The metaRbolomics Toolbox in Bioconductor and beyond: https://www.mdpi.com/2218-1989/9/10/200 BridgeDb tutorial: https://tess.elixir-europe.org/materials/bridgedbr-tutorial
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