
Workshops > Meet the editor

Registration to the conference is mandatory to attend the workshop.

Meet the editor (January 21st 8:30pm-10pm)

Purpose of the workshop:

Attendees will meet editors and reviewers to discuss the following points:

  • Scientific inspiration versus literary perspiration: What makes a good (Metabolomics) paper?
  • What you should never do in papers.
  • Refereeing process: what happens once I have submitted my paper to the abyss...
  • Scientific ethics: objectivity versus subjectivity

Skills acquired at the end of the workshop:

  • A general understanding of the publication process.
  • How to be a good reviewer and how to respond to reviewers (good and bad!)
  • Some further ideas to make your paper better.

Intended audience and prerequisites:

  • Public: priority to early career but can go beyond
  • Prerequisites: did publish or plan to


  • To register to this workshop please contact:
  • Deadline: decembre 20th 2019
  • Maximun number of attendees:40

Workshop location:

Workshop will be held in a bar in the city centre of Toulouse.


Katharina Herzog, Kate Gallagher, Natasa Giallourou, Roy Goodacre and Jules Griffin.

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