Workshops > Workflow4MetabolomicsRegistration to the conference is mandatory to attend the workshop. Interactive tutorial, How to process LC-MS data with workflow4metabolomics.org (January 21st, 9am-12am)Purpose of the workshop:Metabolomics data analysis is a complex, multistep process, which is constantly evolving with the development of new analytical technologies, mathematical methods, and bioinformatics tools and databases. The Workflow4Metabolomics(W4M) project aims at developing full LC/MS,GC/MS,FIA/MS and NMR pipelines using Galaxy framework for data analysis including preprocessing, normalization, quality control, statistical analysis and annotation steps. https://workflow4metabolomics.org Intended audience and prerequisites:
Skills acquired at the end of the workshop:
Organisers:Franck Giacomoni, Yann Guitton and Marie Tremblay Franco Registration:
References:https://workflow4metabolomics.org Guitton et al (2017) Create, run, share, publish, and reference your LC–MS, FIA–MS, GC–MS, and NMR data analysis workflows with the Workflow4Metabolomics 3.0 Galaxy online |
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